The Birds of
Jackson Run
Welcome to my bird page.
I hope you'll visit often, to enjoy the birds I've come to recognize, and to learn more about them. I've been a bird enthusiast for more than 30 years. I've lived in Wisconsin, Michigan, Oregon and the Rocky Mountains and moved briefly to the deciduous woods of southeastern Ohio in 2007. Our 75 acres on Jackson Run was "Bird Heaven"! Now I am back in southwestern Colorado, headed for Washington state. This Web site is to commemorate my love for birds ... wherever I may live.
I've listed the birds that I have been privileged to see and hear when I was living in southeastern Ohio. If you want to know more about one of them, just click on the image and it will take you to a more detailed page for that species.
is a great hobby, by the way. You don't have to take an ornithology class
to get started, but that's how I learned about the birds.
I would suggest getting hold of a good field guide. I've had my copy of Birds of North America, a Guide to Field Identification (Chandler S. Robbins, Bertel Bruun and Herbert S. Zim, Golden Press, New York) since 1975, and even though the pages are starting to fall out and are dog-eared and a little faded, I still refer to this book and have my notes jotted on its pages.
You'll also want to invest in a good pair of binoculars that are both lightweight and have a high enough power than you can actually view the birds from afar. Make sure you have a strong strap. You don't want to take a chance on dropping your binoculars, because most likely they will get damaged.
If you're serious about knowing your birds, I would also suggest getting some recordings you can listen to. I have many tapes (and now CDs are available) that I spend hours studying while I'm puttering around the house. I'm lucky that I happen to have a musical ear, and I can pick up the bird voices quickly. The skill comes in being able to decipher between similar-sounding calls, such as between the robin and the scarlet tanager, or the Swainson's warbler and the Louisiana waterthrush.
• View the birds of Jackson Run
The Rocky Mountain West may not have the diversity of songbirds found in the East and Midwest, but there are certainly an assortment of western birds worth getting to know.
You may be interested in what birds I've come to know in other parts of the country.
• View birds of the Rocky Mountain West
• View birds of the Desert Southwest
Some of the Art and Photos displayed on this Web site are the work of Ann Ulrich Miller
Copyright © 2007 Ann C. Miller
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